If you’ve started to notice fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, or loose jowls in your neck area, you’re not alone. The neck and jawline can be one of the first places where the signs of aging start to make themselves visible, which is why Dr. Rosen offers the neck lift procedure to patients in Bucks County, Doylestown, and the nearby areas.
How the Neck lift Procedure is Performed
Neck lift surgery is typically an outpatient procedure that takes about two to three hours to complete, with local anesthesia being the most common choice (but general anesthesia is always an option). Neck lift incisions are similar to a facelift, placed near the temple, following the natural contour of your skin toward the neck. An additional incision may be placed below the chin, through which Dr. Rosen will separate the skin from the fat and muscle.
Underlying tissues are tightened and the skin is lifted, trimmed, and redraped to produce an improved neck contour. Special sutures are placed to fixate the layers of tissue and close the surgical incisions.
A neck lift procedure has several variations: A procedure called platysmaplasty remodels part of a neck muscle that has a tendency to sag, while another procedure simply removes excess skin from the neck area. If fat deposits are present under your chin and you have adequate skin tone, liposuction may be the right choice, enabling us to sculpt and tone the area, with a minimally-invasive surgical procedure.