Facial cosmetic surgery, when done properly, can produce improvements that make an attractive face more attractive and an aging face more youthful and appealing. Many of our patients are surprised to find that they have a number of options for attaining the results they desire. Not everyone wants (or needs) a full facelift.
I strive, when doing facial cosmetic surgery Philadelphia procedures, for a very natural look. What does this mean? That I'm looking for you - but a more harmonious, balanced, and appealing enhancement of you. Not to make you look so different that you no longer look like yourself; instead, to refine your natural features, bringing them into harmony. Sometimes, a small physical shift makes a tremendous difference in your facial appearance.
The nose is a classic example of this principle. Refining the tip of the nose has, in many instances, dramatically altered and improved a patient's appearance. Certainly there are patients who want to look significantly different and, as long as their expectations are realistic and what they want can be done safely and with an aesthetically correct outcome, I will help them attain that.