If you've found that you're unhappy with the results of a prior breast augmentation procedure, breast revision surgery is the procedure for you. Dr. Rosen offers breast revision surgery to patients in Doylestown, Bucks County, and the nearby areas – reach out and set up your consultation to learn more about how this procedure can help you today.
What is Capsular Contracture?
After your breast revision surgery, it is normal for scar tissue to form around your breast implants. However, in a certain number of patients, this tissue hardens and constricts around the implant. This is known as capsular contracture and can occur years after the original procedure. Cosmetic surgeons have developed several techniques to remedy this situation. If you think you are experiencing capsular contracture, contact our office to discuss a solution.
Can Implants Be Removed?
Breast implant removal is relatively simple. Breast revision in Bucks County with Dr. Rosen may take as little as one hour, and the same incisions are typically used to access the implant. However, there is potential for a poor aesthetic outcome, especially if your implants were placed many years ago and the level of skin elasticity has decreased. Breast lift surgery is one solution that may be able to mitigate the negative outcomes of breast implant removal.